Ave. Independencia #116, San Pedro de Macorís, DR

The Parent's Committee

The Parent’s Committee is organized for the purpose of supporting, assisting and strengthening the educational and administrative efforts of the school.

The Board of Directors of The Palms Christian School determines policy and serves as an advisory counsel to the Administrators of The Palms. The Board consists of members from within the community, church, and school that have an invested interest in the school family and have displayed a testimony that is pleasing and honoring to God.

They are: Dr. Wes Smith, Allison Hale, Priscilla Stothers, Diomaris Canario, Eddy Gil, Kevin Hammond, Elsa de la Cruz and Lynn Cunningham.

Our Core Values

God’s Truth

James 1:22
We apply God’s truth to our daily lives considering the Biblical perspective for every decision.


Colossians 3:23
We strive for excellence in all that we do…doing it as unto the Lord.


Matthew 20:26
We choose to serve God by serving others.


John 13:34-35
We are a community of love and grace – we value each individual as a unique creation of God.

Making an Impact

Matthew 5:14,16
We endeavor to make an impact in our school, throughout the community, and into the world.